Akhil Bhartiya Sampark Sahyog Shiksha, Delhi

Add : 32a, Street No-04, Mohan Park, West Guru Angad Nagar, Laxmi Nagar
Tel :
Mobile : 93123 53825, 98186 31458
Website :
Contact Person : Arvind Saini
Purpose : Education, Women Development/Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Akhil bhartiya sampark sahyog shiksha was started to support those children who drop their school education due to financial and social problems. We are running free of cost sahyog shiksha kendra for such type of children. At our shiksha kendrathese children come and study regularly, in the meanwhile our volunteers convince their parents to continue their school. Apart from this we also provide free tuition class for hindi, english language and mathematics for all those students of the area who can reach our sahyog shiksha kendra. Our other major project is to make the women community self dependent by helping them to start their own small household business. We provide them financial support through our micro finance project sahyog laghu rinn kendra.

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