Vijay Lakshmi Samaj Kalyan Samiti, Raigarh

Add : Shubham Complex, 1st Floor, Infront Of Girls Hostel kewda, Badi Bus Stend, Raigarh
Tel : 07762-231250
Mobile : 97700 83618, 94792 33455
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Maya Dutta, Rajesh Patel
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Working for womans self employment. Nonvoc training awareness program camp for womans rights. Education and literacy health and family welfare,sickle. Cell animea awarness prevention shg formation. self employment activities to self camp. Market reasearch and linkage to producers from villages. Going among the common people and making then aware of education, helth and basic needs. Wherever there are people belonging to backward caste, providing them ccess to education moreover providing them primary, medical care. Helping poor children, orphanchildren and destitute women in regards of education facilities and health facilities. Opening school,orphanages and hospitals where there is requirement, providing free tuition and acquaint them with moral education. Helping people who fall prey into exploitation, working for the growth of humanity, giving them legal financial and medical support. Working in the area where it nearly impossible to find the government support, reaching out to the lowest and the commonest people with the every project of the government and working for their rights. Providing greater awareness of health and education problems and finding means to solve them in and with the communities giving consideration to people who are mentally challenged and also to those who suffer from mental disorder. Providing them training and access to credit, training for skill upgrading, enabling groups of women to take up employment cum income generation programmes by providing backward and forward linkage. Providing aid and support to the deserving and or socially or physically handicapped individuals hearing impaired and mute children wherever and whenever possible with training or giving them financial aid. Establishing youth committees and motivating them to become good citizens of the society.organinzing medical camps for vaccination and awareness. Working for the rights of women and children. Arranging for supply of safe drinking water and basic sanitations facilities, provisions of affordable technological tools and concentration on building health infrastructure researching in to the alternate methods of health care deliveries and low cost health technologies. Providing agriculture based traning. Borrwing funds / finance/loans banks or other lending institution. Providing free legal advice to the poor and destitute people. Creating awareness among the people regarding aids and other fatal diseases. Educating people against the consumption of drugs and alcohol.

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