Oodaan Good Shepherd Society, Mahasamund

Add : Ayodhya Nagram, Tumgoan Road, Mahasamund
Tel : 07723-222699
Mobile : 99261 22912
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Contact Person : Anita G Rawate
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Art and Culture, Education, Environment, General – Social Welfare, Health, Old Aged Welfare, Rural Development, Self Help Groups, Social Awareness.
Aim/Objective/Mission : About us the good shepherd society was organized in 1989 by Dr. George Rawate and his wife anita george rawate with a team of devoted members to express their solidarity with the marginalized and oppressed people. It was started with a humble beginning of educational promotion program with sixteen beneficiaries but today its touching teeming thousands expressing transformation of life. Our vision :- equal opportunities for all, to fulfill basic needs including education, health and sustainable environment in a just society. Motto :- educating and empowering. The gs society leads and catalyses transformational initiatives to build more compassionate and able community specially in rural and slum urban area. Mission – to provide opportunities to the marginalized in obtaining social justice, in achieving self reliance & self sustenance and in- bringing equality and social harmony. To build a well educated resident and confident community that stand together with the often communities in contribution to the progress of multiracial India. What we do :- education promotional program laksh ? its provide formal and non formal education through day care centers nursery, schools and adult education centers. Presently we have village day care centres at 3 villages in mahasamund block, 2 day care centre in urban slum area of nayapara and subhash nagar. One english medium primary school is running in sirpur village and a higher secondary english medium school is running in mahasamund town. Nearly 900 to 1000 beneficiaries yearly benefitted by this program it aims at the holistic growth of every child. Two adult education centers are imparting non formal education in two village, where 30 to 32 women are learning, reading-writing with tailoring, regularly. Future plan :- we have plan to increase the number of schools in urban slum and in remote rural area. We are also planning to start a special day care centre for the children whose pants all suffering from aids and also for children of sex workers. Economic development programme through vocational traings disha disha programme provides different income generating vocational skills with right base and personality base trainings to young girls and women. Disha includes tailoring, computer, different, handicrafts and community health worker training. Disha also provides carrier guidance counseling and always encourage girls for higher education and professional trainings. So that they have tools to fight simultaneously against poverty and gender discrimination. Socio-economic development program – oodaan this program was initiated with the aim of empowering women of urban slum dwellers and women of rural area. Motivating. Them to form women s self help groups (shgs) and providing opportunities to each member for an overall development. Saving is the main activity of the groups besides engaging themselves in addressing the socio-economic and political issues. Nabard has been supporting us for the trainings and workshops of the shgs. Future plan and proposal :- we have plan to organize these shgs, 375 to 650 active women from these shgs will form mahila federation. After the 7 steps of training these women will act as energy pack ? change ? agents to fight against and in justice. The main aim of trainings is to equip youth and women with vocational skills to make them self reliant most of these course are designed for the social/school drop outs. Future plan & proposal :- we have plan to establish the mobile training centre with different vocational trainings which will move in every 12 months to a different slum or village for youth and woman, that are unable to come to the main training centre. We have also plan to establish a information cell along with cluster wise advocacy networking unit mainly focuses on the emerging issues in the community. Health programme :- sehat under this programme, health awareness activities, health camps, personal hygiene and health, problems & solutions related activities are running regularity in the target villages. With the financial support of world bank, nacco and state aids control board, we have been conducting t. i programme from last year. This special programme is targeted with msm and fsw of mahasamund area. The main aim of this program is to prevent and halt hiv expansion. Future plan :- to focus on malnutrition in infants, health issues of women and adolescent girls specially in slum & rural area to create health awareness among rural women and girls for good health proactive, safe drinking water habits and issues / solutions related with their health and hygiene and daily life. To start mobile dispensary in remote area.community development programme:- utthan this is a unique program for collective and individual afford, motivation to teach how to over come from the current problem of daily life and improve their social status collective forming by women belonging to weaker section of farmers, promotion of water conservation, water management, animal husbandry, live stock management, small scale industry etc. Activities are being promoted in the targeted villages under this program. Concern :- oodaan good shepherd society has very limited source of finance. But faith of villages on us is a increasable assets with us we as the management committee are finding and working hard to mobilize the sources to fulfill the demand of the marginalized community.

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