Lok Ashtha Sewa Sansthan, Raipur

Add: Paragoan, Maroda, Gariyaband
Pin: 493889
Contact Person: Lata Netam, Hem Narayan Manikpuri
Purpose: People’s empowerment.
Aim/Objective/Mission: To establish a society which is based on crimeware, equal, unexploited and social justice and which honer basedon color, cast, culture, language, gender, where everybody may live their life freely having equal right, honor, where everybody is aware a protect their constitutional and fundamental right. To encourage backward and poor community changes their life style to develop and amend their education, agriculture health and employment related programm and activities. To street public awareness for the complete welfare development of women and children. To make people aware of conserve and utilitarianism awareness. To help people make natural social development and people welfare programm work effectively. To search local entrepreneurs and to train them for gaining money wring early available resources based on small and medium scale furriness.

Tel: 91-7701-201150
Mobile: 91-94242 34767, 91-99932 55825

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