Amay Foundation, Raipur

Add : Sundar Nagar
Tel : 0771-2242000
Mobile : 98269 40009
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : S K Sharma
Purpose : Development, Plantation, Pollution, Population, Urban Development.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To promote, encourage, support, assist, aid in protection of environment and advance education and medical activities by promoting schools, colleges, university for preprimary, primary, secondary, undergraduate, post-graduate, doctoral, post-doctoral, vocational or otherwise in various branches or fields of education & sports and to promote hospitals, nursery homes, healthcare services for treating any ailment, illness, disability, disorder or disease and to provide proper training for sanitation and cleanliness facility and to provide legal education, computer training, vocational training, art and craft training, advance business training to poor, needy, widow and to all other backward and minority classes and to promote and provide village development, wild life sanctuary development, child and women development, rain water harvesting education, environmental education, solar and wind energy education, pollution control awareness, employment education, social and cultural development on no profit motive.

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