Add : Sasthamangalam
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Mobile : 95444 10055
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Contact Person : Anoop
Purpose : Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Climate Change, Community Development, Cow Protection Centre (Goushala), Cultural Heritage., Cultural Issues, Environment, Forest Management, Forestry, General – Social Welfare, Human Rights, Natural Resource Management, Plantation, Pollution, Poverty, Sustainable Development, Waste Management, Water, Wildlife.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The aims and objects to be pursued by the society are ? plantation to maximum trees to protect the environment in entire kerala as well as india. The target of the society is to plant trees equal to the population. To make a pollution free earth to creates environmental awareness, among the people to aware encourage and educate the people in plantation of trees and about protection of environment. Distribution of trees, free of cost to public, like school, college, cinemas, bus station, market etc. To arrange and organize environmental educational program time to time to educate and encourage the people about environment protection through road shows, literature poster banner, advertisement, publications, drama and other means. To organize events like seminar conference exhibitions related to environment to organize health fair for the general public. To control the animal population by sterilization of street animal to approach the concerned authorities for taking health to protect the environment. To approach state govt. Central govt for the healthy environment. To provide lecture by the expert team of journalists, political leader, professional any public face. To the general public. To help and assist poor and needy residents and their families during emergencies such as flood, war, earth quack and rains. Suggestion to the government that environmental education should be compulsory at school and college level. To organize program for school, college with the purpose of plantation the trees. To developing clean eco-tourism to establish greeneries where ever possible. Research and development of eco-friendly systems studies of various environmental issues. It takes various monitoring studies on air water, soil, food and their impact on human health. Tree farming and tree plantation to promote the environment protection through education with emphasis on literacy education, population education, health, social, family and value education. To work for the protection of environment and preservation and or restoration of the natural eco-systems through every possible way and means. To conduct nature awareness campaigns and organize motivating programmes to create environmental awareness and promote eco-friendly products and services through environmental activities like green events, exhibitions, conference, slide shows, seminar etc. To make best efforts for making world greenery. Encourage sustainable agriculture to promote, organize, encourage study and enhance knowledge, understanding and appreciation of nature, and the principle and practice of conservation of natural resources among the common mass. To promote and maintain liaison between various disciplines of science and technology related to environment. To establish and maintain contacts with various departments of state government and union government, national, regional and international organizations or any other agency so far as these contacts are beneficial to the society?s objectives. It shall adopt any other transparent means, strategy or principle that might be advantageous and beneficial to the society?s objectives. To provide consultancy services for any project related to natural resources and environment. To promote research on science, technology and environment for sustainable development. To promote academies of excellence. To coordinate participation of social partners, employers in the private sector, training providers, professional societies and ngos/civil society groups in the process of skill development of the sector. To take membership in any other society or association, with objects similar to its own and to have branches all over kerala and elsewhere.