Creator, Muzaffarpur

Add : Aam Gola, Prao Pokhar, Lane-1, Near Super Janta Tent House
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Mobile : 96614 48036
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Contact Person : Sanjeev
Purpose : Climate Change, Community Development, E-Learning, Education, Environment, Food and Nutrition, Old Aged Welfare, Pollution, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Sustainable Development, Traditional Health, Women Development/Welfare Our Organiszation Is Working For Poor Women To Form Self Help Group. We Are Strengthing Them By Saving Habbit & Awarness Of Social Issues Like Children Education, Sanitation, Health Issues Etc. Also We Create Awerness and Assist To Take Benefit Of Govt. Programmes Such As Plantation, To Take Job From Meneraga Etc.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Aims and objects :- the aims and objects for which the society is established are as under:- to promote arts and culture of all kind and to provide necessary training to the students/children and youths. To start, establish, run or manage and maintain pre-nursery, nursery & high schools, higher education & also the school of cultural development of the masses especially in the field of dance, music etc. To develop and establish such out of school activity centers for the children of underprivileged class of society where they could have the benefit and joy of participating in sports, games, artistic like painting, clay and wood work, music, dancing and develop skills in debating, elocutions, participate in excursions, educational trips and such other activities. To make documentary films for the promotion of art, culture, education health and all social welfare issues. To promote research in the study of Indian system of medicine, homeopathy and nature cure etc and ancient Indian culture. To impart free education and cultural training to the poor, helpless, handicapped and needy children/students. To provide scholarships and other incentives to deserving students. To established and maintain institutions for the handicapped and for adult education with the consent of the concerned authorities. To publish books, charts, illustrations, journals, magazines, periodicals and other publications in different languages for the propagation of above aims and objectives. To organize and arrange cultural programmes, cultural competitions, stage programmes etc. From time to time. To open institution for fine arts, computer, electronics, home management for women and special courses such as cutting tailoring etc. With the approval of concerned government authorities. To make correspondence in lawful manner to arrange meetings, conferences, seminars with the concerned government authorities for the solution of social/civic/cultural problems of members of the society and general public. To organize free medical camps/blood donation camps and counseling centers for drug addicts and organize programmes related to aids campaign etc. To provide relief work and resettlement work to general public who suffer from natural calamities, famine etc. To conduct charitable services for the needy people. To construct and maintain public toilet, complexes. To submit tenders in govt. /semi govt. /private sectors for the keeping in view of the aims and objects of the society. To work on research program and technical projects. To provide physiotherapy, speech therapy, functional and occupational therapy to rehabilitation of the all age people. To organized seminar, workshop, conference etc. For creating awareness among the members and general public. To run vocational unit to facilitate the rehabilitation of the children. To provide adult education. To provide health education, physical education and long term training leading to excellence in archery, athletics, boxing, badminton, basketball, yoga, cycling, handball, volleyball, football, gymnastics, swimming, hockey, judo, cricket, weight-lifting, kabaddi, table tennis, lawn tennis, billiards, canoeing and kayaking, fencing, various martial arts, karate, sepaktakraw, kung fu, tae kwon do, and wushu. To fulfill those work existed under society act. Column 20. The society shall work for the health and family welfare of the population, rural development through participatory approach, environment conservation and other related issues with a the problem of our social and ecological system. To promote health and medical programs, preventives as well as curative for the tribal, rural and urban people and to establish dispensary (mobile and stationary), maternity homes, hospitals, health centers etc. Education and awareness about aids, cancer, hepatitis, tb and other diseases and pursue research in the area of medicine and general health. Alcohol & drug abuse prevention through education, awareness and rehabilitation. To create nutritional awareness in community for healthy motherhood and control of malnutrition. Environment protection and local action for natural resource conservation, development and management, wild life conservations, generating awareness regarding protection and preservation of nature and natural resources. Environmental awareness among the rural/urban people. Industrial waste water/effluent management. Pollution monitoring and management. Municipal waste management. Soil and water conservation. Wasteland management. Joint forest management. Forestry, horticulture, sericulture, pest culture and pasture land development. Research and development of non-timber forest products, sustainable management of forest/agriculture and livestock to conduct short term and long term vocational courses/training for the cause of society. To help in organization and promotion of agro-industries, which includes processing industries, food industries, construction of ware houses godowns and buildings, structures for storage preservation and protection of livestock, dairy and agricultural product production or manure, cattle feed, fertilizers pesticides, agricultural tools and implements, canning units, spawn laboratory and mushroom production unit, training centre for tribal, rural and urban people. To enter into any arrangements with any government or any government bodies or local authorities which includes municipalities, panchayat, administration and any other cooperative bodies that may be deemed beneficial to any of the society s objects and to apply for promote and obtain any subsidies, loans, indemnities, grants, contracts, rights, privileges, concessions, licenses, immunities or authorizations from government or authority local or otherwise for enabling the society to carry out any of its objectives into effect or for extending any of the powers of the society and to carry out, exercise and comply with any such arrangements, rights, privilege, concession, licenses and authorizations. To undertake roads, housing, electrification, sanitation and other activities for the benefit of the rural and urban people. The society may provide consultation services to other organization (gov. Or non govt. ) with or without charges. To nurture sub-junior/junior sports talent scientifically for excellence development on long term basis. To raise funds through gifts, grants, donations, subscriptions and membership fees and generally to obtain money for the objects of the society in any lawful manner and to invest, apply or deal with the same in such a manner as may be considered most desirable for giving effect to such objectives. The fund could be raised by rendering technical and managerial consultancies and by executing various programs of the government or any other organization. To establish, promote, setup, run, take-over, collaborate, maintain, assist, finance, support and / or help in setting of schools, colleges and other educational institutions of all types i. e. Engineering, accounting, taxation, environment, sciences and other professional, vocational studies, undertake research, study programs and projects. To organize and award prizes in educational competitions and or games and sports, to award scholarships to the needy, to provide ways and means for the fulfillment of the poor and needy children and to include their moral discipline. To establish, found and maintain libraries, reading rooms, hostel, houses and cultural centers as well as spiritual centers for the use and convenience of students, staff & general public. To fight against social evils, corruption, rights violation through various cultural events. To organize various program in aid of the society and other charitable organization. To provide medical aids to the handicapped and poor persons. To purchase or buy land or building on lease or rent or the purpose of the society or for organization/institutions run by the society or any other infrastructure required towards attainment of above said objects. To coordinate participation of social partners, employers in the private sector, training providers, professional societies and civil society groups in the process of skill development of the sector. All the incomes, earning, moveable, immovable properties of the society shall be solely utilized and applied towards the promotion of its aims and objects only as set for the memorandum of association and no profit on thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profits of the society or to any person claiming through anyone or more of the present or the past members. No member of the society shall have any personal claim on any moveable or immovable properties of the society make any profits, whatsoever by virtue of this membership.

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