Society for Integarted Rural & Urban Development (SIRUD), Haflong

Add : C/O. Annapurna Meidical Stores, Main Road, Haflong, Assam-788819
Dima Hasao
Tel : 03673-238700
Mobile : 94350 77257
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Dr. Nirmal Singh
Purpose : Awareness Generation, Ayurveda, Community Development, Energy, Environment, General – Social Welfare, Health, Hiv/Aids, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Aims and objectives of the society: thee sirud envisage the socio economic system where every people in general will enjoy social and economic justice, freedom and democratic rights subjected to only the stipulation that theses rights are conductive to the well-being of the human society and prosperity to all. The aims and objective of sirud can be broadly categorized and enumerated as follows:- to endeavor to build the free social justice in the country in widest possible areas and help the down trodden in their efforts for uplift men, to promote health care, education and better condition of life for the poor and suffering. Promote and create awareness among the masses on various issues, survey, meetings, conference, seminars, symposia, workshops and awareness generation programs program in remote area of n. C. Hills district of assam and abroad. To up hold the cause of rehabilitation of street children/youths, marginalized women/girls at the various urban (slum) and rural packet in a bid to bring them in main stream with all round welfare by arranging education, health care, community care, clothing and food-nutritional supplement and shelter to those without any socio economic supports. To cater to the needs of the schedule caste and schedule tribes, women, children and other backward classes to provide orientation, motivation training and infield services of organizing and strengthening potential peoples action group. To publish news letter, literature likes book, journal, booklets that help to promote the above-mentioned aims and projects and also to produce educative films and cassettes for the various schemes of economic and social developments. To establish libraries and study circle for providing literature and information conductive to development and advancement. To honour with ?award and certificate of excellence for outstanding leadership in the field, such as, education, medical services, social services and other exceptional performance of high order. To collect reasonable donation from members and well-wishers, in order to raise fund. To promote and serve the people through charitable clinic and mobile dispensary for essential medical services to the underserved community and mass tribal in the remote area of district and outside. Provide wellness training/seminars on life style diseases, nutrition, mother and child care, reproductive tract infection, hiv-aids, drug abuse and communicable diseases ensure equality among all sex, gender on humanity and to aware a good relation with government and non-government organization. To advocate higher education and computer literacy and learning among the deserving poor meritorious student which is relevant to bottom line in two ways firstly one way or another is economy. Secondly, universally acknowledged higher the educated populace higher the productivity. To serve as employment generation and income generation through entrepreneurship development program s and taking comprehensive village and slum development programs through peoples action group and other agency. To promote awareness camps on environmental pollution, deforestation, plantation of medicinal plant and research on complimentary and alternative system of medical science and lifestyle diseases to help suffering of mankind, animal to sooth and alleviate the agony of illness towards wellness. To help people during natural calamity with essential medicine, health and hygiene in order to prevent epidemic and getting sick at first. To organize seminars on medico legal aspect, consumer awareness program for all. To promote sports activities especially in the discipline of iron sports that is power lifting, weight lifting yoga-meditation, arm wrestling, adventure and trekking events. Also for physically challenged, socially and economically handicapped people. To set up model development projects of its investment with the best possible utilization of local resourc 20. To impart educational training and seminars for health care professional and other interested in learning to incorporate wellness rx in their practice with a goal. Preventive health care yoga & meditation training Holistic health care higher education Herbal care, nutrition computer literacy & learning lifestyle, natural health and much more. & Wellness program. Promote and organize awareness program in the area of health care viz. Prevention (immunsation, vaccine) promotion of health, lifestyle diseases (hypertension, diabetes, cancer), nutrition (healthy food), dependency (alcohol, drug abuse, smoking), safety compliance (accident, hiv-aids), and their co-relation with unhealthy lifestyle in corporate, educational institutes, village and in vulnerable clusters in remote area of n. Hills district of assam and abroad. Believe extremely in the effectiveness of the awareness generation programs for the masses as precondition of social transformation and in the equality of man and women, the paternity among different communities and the rights of all against oppression and exploitation. The sirud put together great value to sharing its experience with other and at the same time is open to gain.

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