Pratyasha Socio – Economic & Cultural Organisation, Barpeta
Add: Nareswar Path, Howly
Pin: 781316
Contact Person: J. Bayan
Purpose: Education, health, water, child development, rural development, microfinance, agriculture.
Aim/Objective/Mission: To organise and promotion of SHG among the poor people. To preserve the wildlife and plant that are going to be execute. To work for socio-economic & educational development of rural people. To work for the development of Agriculture, fisheries, Duckary, poultry, hand loom, sericultures, dairies etc at rural area. To work for the development of road construction, rural electrification, flood control, irrigation etc at rural area. To work for the development of culture, music, art and literature. To help the affected people at the time of natural calamity. To arrange workshop, training programmes, meeting and health checkup camp. To collect donation, subscription, grants, deposit and service charge to create fund for the council. To execute plans and govt. schemes for the benefit of people to remove illiteracy and poverty and then in collaboration with the voluntary organisation, governmental, semi- govt, and other national and international agencies.
Mobile: 91-98541 16534
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