Jiba Kanta Gogoi Memorial Welfare Trust, Golaghat

Add : Krishna Building
Tel :
Mobile : 98540 01103
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Ripa Gogoi
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Art and Craft, Art and Culture, Cancer Patients Help, Child Labour, Child Welfare, Cultural Heritage. , Disaster Management, Distance Learning, Education, Environment, General – Social Welfare.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The organization for the last couple of years of its existence has been sincerely working for the development of the craftsperson and artisans & underprivileged strata of the society within its area of operation using its own resources. To promote economic activities for self sustainability the organization has been forming self help groups among the artisans and rural poor in general. The organization has organized and successfully conducted a number of training programmes related to the development of handicrafts and the artisans as well incurring the expenditures upon its own source. The organization has been regularly organizing awareness programmes on handicrafts, marketing of products and other opportunities, importance of group activities thorough shgs, group dynamics, various government schemes for socio economic security with a view to encourage and uphold the spirit of the artisans to infuse in them a sense of work culture so that they can further themselves towards economic empowerment.

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