Jagi Evergreen Association, Morigaon
Add : Jagi
Tel :
Mobile : 99573 10584
Email : jagievergreenassociation@gmail.com
Website :
Contact Person : Bijoy Patar
Purpose : Agriculture, Art and Culture, Awareness Generation, Ayurveda, Cultural Issues, Development (General), Disaster Management, Education, Food and Nutrition, Forest Management, Health, Human Rights, Livelihood.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To keep unit and co-operation among the young mass of the locality. To built the moral life and character of the member of the Societies as well as the villagers and maintained discipline in the village. To develop the cultural /scientific /fine arts/Literature /Sports and games activities among the members as well as general public. To provide medical and educational facilities to the weaker sections of the Society and collect natural history, mechanical, Philosophical inventions and designs. To organize young mass of the Society for various development of the Society as well as social service also. To encourage and practice of thrift/participate in co-operative efforts/create and fester the community service. To spread and knowledge for cottage industries and other sources for self employment. To introduce adult education programme among the general public for eradication illiteracy. To under take relief measures in aid to distress people effected by natural calamities or in other ways. To spread knowledge of citizenship and working jointly with the State Welfare Board where co-ordination programme is introduce. To take adequate steps for removal of dowry system from locality.
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