Chilarai Krishi Bikash Samiti, Dhuburi
Add: Tarun Ram Phukan Road, Dhuburi
Pin: 783301
Contact Person: Mohammedul Haque
Purpose: Socio-economic development.Grants as well as to work with the renowned ngos.
Aim/Objective/Mission: This Society was established in 1997 by a few educated youths of Dhubri district of Assam with a view to undertake awareness, training, socio-economic development of all sections of people of this economically backward region of Assam. This Society started its activities from 1997 and after registration this organization take up its broad based objectives. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, the persons behind this society believes this winning spirit and the all members of Chilarai Krishi Bikash Samiti dedicatedly working for the overall development of the underprivileged peoples of this locality and region.
Mobile: 91-98645 68410
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