Bodoland Institutional And Research Society, Kokrajhar
Add : Gossaigaon
Tel :
Mobile : 73994 31984
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Contact Person : Susanta Mushahary
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Art And Culture, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Community Development, E-Learning, Labour, Livelihood, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Plantation, Pollution, Social Awareness, Sustainable Development, Trafficking Of Women, Tribal Development, Tribal Issues, Urban Development, Wildlife, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To provide sound education to the children of all communities irrespective of their race, religions, cast or creed in general and to prepare them to become mature and responsible citizens of the country through the all round physical intellectual, academic, mental and spiritual development based on values derived from the life. To construct and run schools, colleges, university, and educational institutions for the benefit of the public. To provide grants, scholarships, fellowships and other forms of financial assistance to the needy and deserving students for pursuing education, vocational training, skill development etc. To start establish, run take over, or manage and maintain schools, with an object secondary senior secondary, and higher education to children by seeking recognition and affiliation from the education departments and concerned government authorities. To open, found, establish, promote, set up, run, maintain, assist, finance, support and/or aid and help in the setting up the different kinds of schools, colleges, lecture halls and other establishments or institutions for advancement of education and of knowledge in arts, science, literature, humanities and all the useful subjects in all their manifestations. To arrange and manage the training institutions in typing, short ? hand, computer information technology, fine arts, craft, music, painting, modeling, yoga, physical education and in their professional training subjects and coaching classes for preparation of the various competitive examinations. To promote literacy, cultural and other social activities of awareness programs, adult education classes, lectures, essay competitions exhibitions, symposium, cultural programs, press conference and seminars. To provide food, clothing, medical aid stationery, transportations, libraries, laboratories, reading room, hostels play ground swimming pool and other required facilities to the students and also to the members of the society. To establish and manage various kinds of educational, vocational, industrial, agricultural, research and framing institutions to introduce and develop the professional courses and also to arrange/provide all kinds of educational facilities to the students, scholars, trainees and to other needy candidates. To grant financial assistance to any educational institution for granting scholarships, prizes, medals, awards for excellence in studies, sports and scientific research, distribution of books and note books for poor and or deserving students. To provide necessary facilities or to contribute to educational and scientific research development in any place as the society finds deemed fit.
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