Zion Gospel Ministries of India, Krishna

Add : 2-143 A, Opp. Z.Ph School, Kankipadu, Vijayawada
Andhra Pradesh
Tel : 0866-2821179
Mobile : 92967 56829
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Vinaybhushan
Purpose : Child Rights, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Hiv/Aids, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Shelter Home, Social Awareness.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our aim is to run a home for this helpless children. Human life is filled with love and compassion with various relations in different ages. Naturally childhood and old age is purely dependant life, on their family members and the well wishers. But unfortunately some selfish people are not love their family members, they love themselves and clashes, children may lost their parents and aged may lost their children so they will become helpless and hopeless in the society. Our principle to run a home is to give a real home to them with a family relations. In this connection we plan an old age home for 300 member old age & orphan people.

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