Yaanadi Education Society, Guntur

Add : 7-16-174, 643/8, Srinagar, 8th Lane
Andhra Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 98481 35402
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : T R Jayachandar
Purpose : Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Community Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Environment.
Aim/Objective/Mission : It’s serving the poorest of the poor among the tribes over the last sixty years through spreading awareness regarding health and education, protection of human rights in the event of atrocities on the tribes, through capacity building and rights education, involved in child education through hostels and schools, helped the tribes to improve economic conditions through promotion of income generation programs, environmental education and tree plantation through participation of local people. Awareness for the indigenous tribes: series of awareness programs on sanitation and health, child education, environment and human rights organized through out the district from the year 1989. Promotion of livelihoods 300 self help groups (shgs) were organized in tenali revenue division and 50 shgs in the narasarao peta revenue division along with 60 shgs in the guntur revenue division for the tribe women. Money saved through the shgs along with bank linkages people could get access to investment for income generation programs. About 4000 families benefitted through this program. Environment protection regular environmental awareness programs were being organized in the guntur district, tree plantation were taken up in about 20 mandals. About 50000 saplings were planted in the villages. Personnel organization is having a rich volunteer base in the district, along with a ten member team for implementing activities of the organization. These personnel qualified and implement the development programs being taken up by the organization. Future programs is aspiring to take up various development programs for the upliftment of the indigenous tribes, along with promotion of awareness through rights based approach for accessing natural resources along with conservation of ecology and environment which is crucial for the survival of the tribes.

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