Women, Addateegala
Add : K. Amaleswari Floormill Street, Addateegala
East Godavari
Andhra Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94916 08224
Email : womenngo.ap@gmail.com
Website :
Contact Person : M.Usha
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Community Development, Development (General), Disaster Management, Education, Environment, Food And Nutrition, Forest Management, Forestry, General – Social Welfare, Governance, Group Promotion, Health, Human Development, Human Rights, Information And Communications Technology, Intellectual Property, Law, Legal Awareness, Livelihood, Local Administration, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Micro-Enterprises, Minorities, Natural Resource Management, NGO Management, Poverty, Public Administration, Sanitation, Self Help Groups, Sustainable Development, Training, Tribal Development, Tribal Issues, Waste Management, Water, Women Development/Welfare, Women’s Issues, Youth To Serve The People.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Vision is to encourage and prepare masses to aim and reach their divine potentials ?we believe that only unity can make/yield good results for a nation in aspects like poverty, injustice, discrimination and hunger. By enlightening the human in unity for resolving problems, he can achieve. Mission: to solve unsolved problems innovatively our task is to promote and make available skills of women to build up supervision and management at the grass root level towards poverty lessening by providing required livelihood, for enabling/empowering women through skill enlargement, for protecting children from abuse & exploitation through education and granting fundamental rights, creating available healthy environment for the youth and old-age, for the sensible utilization of natural resources to attain sustainable development with active community participation. Objective: to relieve the one who are in conditions of need, hardship or distress as a result of local, national or international disaster or by reason of their social and economic circumstances.
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