Victory India Charitable Tent of Rescue Yacht, Chittoor
Add : Chinnasettipalle, Kuppam
Andhra Pradesh
Tel : 08570-255101
Mobile : 94947 47700
Email :
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Contact Person : Spandan G.Raju
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Awareness Generation, Blindness, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Community Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Development (General), Disability, Disadvantaged Communities, Education, Food And Nutrition, Forestry, Gender, Human Rights, Legal Awareness, Livelihood, Mentally Handicapped Persons, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Peace, Physically Disabled, Plantation, Pollution, Population, Poverty, Rehabilitation, Rural Development, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Training, Tribal Development, Tribal Issues, Wildlife, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues, Youth Integrated School For Differently Abled.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Vision of victory a society living in harmony without any discrimination. Values of victory peace, justice, equality, cooperation and mutual participation. Victory shall involve itself in activities such as awareness programmes, academic-education, health education, social education, care services, nutrition, vocational, industrial, agricultural training centres, construction of houses, roads, bridges, sanitary blocks, hostels, orphanage, schools, community centres, home for aged & disabled.
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