Victory Educational and Welfare Society, Kurnool

Add : 87/2-1, Madhavi Nagar, B.Camp
Andhra Pradesh
Tel : 08518-231479
Mobile : 98490 66757
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : M Nazeer Ahamed
Purpose : Minorities, Natural Resource Management, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Peace, Plantation, Pollution, Poverty, Rural Development, Sanitation, Self Help Groups, Sex Workers Welfare, Shelter Home, Social Awareness, Society And Economy, Traditional Health, Trafficking Of Women, Training.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Victory educational and welfare society organization is working for the upliftmant of agriculture labours and small and migrants farmer, educational, health, women empowerment, disabled people, creating political social economical and environmental awareness among the target groups of the rural and urban areas victory educational and welfare society is working with the mission through mobilization, encouraging and organizing the people. We are also working through cultural programmes, get- together trainings and othercampaigning methods. Thus we are working with the rural and urban areas to empower rural and urban poor socially, economically and politically to promote gander equality social equality econamical equality through collective to prevent desertification and protect natural resource awareness generation towards education, sanitation heath community ownership and environment improve leadership qualities among rural and urban poor community optmum utilization of natural resource through sustainable methods to ensure government programmes to enhance land productivity through eco-friendly agriculture.

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