Star Youth Association, Velugodu

Add : 17-178-17/1, Besides Telephone Exchange, Velugodu
Andhra Pradesh
Tel : 08517 235056
Mobile : 94402 51572
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Hassain Syedc
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : The birth of star youth association (sya) took place at the hearts of self-less dedicated young founder members in november 1980. Sya is an ngo registered legal entity of receiving foreign and national funds, project/programme delivery, capable of entering into contractual arrangements, and assuming legal and financial obligations. It was registered under the societies registration act (xxi) of the 1860, foreign contribution (regulation) act, and 12a income tax act. It is working for development of deprived people particularly women, children and youth. Its mission to bring and hold together youth of all classes for mutual help and service to the society, especially vulnerable sections; by promoting self-managed, community- based institutions, leading to sustainable development. The main focus/thematic areas of the earlier as well as current projects are child care & education, sustainable agriculture & nrm [related ground water, climate change, water governance through pris, conservation and regeneration of native seeds for food security], adolescent & youth sexual & reproductive health rights, dalit & gender equality and rights, health related hiv/ aids/stis and micro credit & micro insurance. All these projects have demonstrates that sya is capable enough to mobilize resources from the local communities. It is maintain strong linkages with local district & state government administration. Sya won a number of state level & district level awards and appreciation certificates. It have clear focus as well as strategy with distinct and qualified young staff allocation in all projects and strong involved highly qualified executive committee. So far, the primary sources of income include sya executive members donations, local community contributions, international, national, un agencies, governments of India & Andhra Pradesh.

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