Samatha Mamatha Rural Development Society, Ongole

Add : Sri Ayush Ayurvedic Hospital, Opp. Samathanagar
Andhra Pradesh
Tel : 08592-283503
Mobile : 83338 45632
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : S.Prabhakara Rao
Purpose : Health establishing hospitals.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Sound health enables a person to proceed towards development and to gain the needed skills to overall development. The women from our area of operation seldom have the opportunity to gain the access to the health aspects. The main reason is the lack of knowledge and poor amenities to get the health care. The health centers are located in distant spots and the rural poor are not able to reach these centers and also do not get the motivation towards better treatments. Thus the program tries to address the need of the rural poor to gain the access to better health in a feasible manner. To identify the need of the women in respect to the health needs in the villages of the prakasam district. To train the daises ? traditional birth attendants in the community based health care in a sound manner. To train the health workers in the practical health work among the rural women in a feasible manner and as per the level of understanding of the rural women. To make very good access for the women from the rural villages to gain the knowledge in the health aspects through the trained health staff. To sensitize the medical and the para medical staff in the health aspects. Provide health and social services to rural backward and slum areas example.

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