Rural Physically Handicapped Center for Rehabilitation, Bangarupal

Add.: Nallasiddana Pall, K.G.Sathram
Pin: 517416
Andhra Pradesh
Phone: 91-8579-223489
Mobile: 91-90005 85543
Contact Person: J. Sankara Reddy
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Rural Physically Handicapped Centre for Rehabilitation is a non-profit organization. We are giving service through our organization to the physically handicapped persons and children. Not only that, we are conducting programs on the awareness of HIV/AIDS in the rural and remote areas besides working on the development of poorest of poor in respect of education, health, agriculture development, self help group and to put the youth into right path. And the main objectivities of our organization are making the poor people in the rural areas to develop economically, forming the self help groups, rehabilitating the orphans and physically handicapped children in the rural areas, providing shelter to the poorest of the poor in the rural sector, conducting the programs on the women human rights, providing good health to the physically handicapped children and such other people concerned.

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