Openheart Social Organisation & Charitable Trust, Vijayawada
Add : 41-7-11, Vikram Durgaiah Street, Harinadha Puram, Krishna Lanka
Andhra Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94908 45517
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Nandakishore Raasamsetty
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : Our mission openheart social organisation & charitable trust exists to address the rights and self-reliance of disadvantaged people especially old age people, widow women, orphan children, schools, nutrition, rehabilitation, nature, peace, self help groups, lepers, tb, malaria, cancer, hiv/aids awareness and prevention, disabled care, tsunami relief and rehabilitation,cyclone shelters, urban slum, emergency, human rights, tribal women their time of need. Our vision to reach the unreached, to care for the uncared.
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