Koyyana Educational & Welfare Society, Vizianagaram

Add.: Vekateswaranagar, 13-140, Chipurpalli
Pin: 532128
Andhra Pradesh
Mobile: 91-99638 17799
Contact Person: K.Anandarao
Purpose : To eracadicate unemployment and to provide jobs for rural youth.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : As a training partner with IL & FS CDI New Delhi in their National wide program SEAM which is supported By Ministry of rural development Gov of India. This society is runing through skill devlopment traing centers 1 for daily comuters and other for hostlers since two years at vizag in AP State. Sofar 1400 BPL rural women youth for given skill development training and employed in the garment manifacturing unit in the state. The rural women assisted includes helpless widos estrainged wifes with kids besids rural poor and working for the noval cause of proverty alleviation. As a technical p[erson the secretary K. Anandarao how retaired as a joint director of agriculture is working with the rural formers and bringing awirness by making feild visits and adwise for higher production.

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