Firm Foundation, East Godavari
Add.: 10.2.37 Pamuvari, Kakinada
East Godavari
Pin: 533004
Andhra Pradesh
Mobile: 91-99485 64234
Contact Person: Joseph Benjamin Gootam
Purpose : Focused on socially and economically sustainable community.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Equip and strengthen the poor and the disadvantaged downtrodden community by breaking down social, economic, cultural and psychological barriers. Firm foundation India has vision envisages that no family will lack basic needs like food, clothing and shelter and every family is able to live in hygienic surroundings and enjoy the benefits of a better quality of life. Our mission is to enable the suppressed, oppressed, downtrodden poor and disadvantaged communities perceive possibilities for change and bring about desired change by exercising informed choices through collective action.
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