Deeds for Needy Society, Krishna

Add : 5-44, Mvr Nagar, Nandigama
Andhra Pradesh
Tel : 08678 276860
Mobile : 98496 64145
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : N. Solomon Raju
Purpose : Child Welfare, Community Development, Disaster Management, Education, Medical Relief, Old Aged Welfare, Orphanage, Training.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To open and run or develop orphanages, hostels for the rural and urban poor section to develop health attitude, towards the development mental, physical and moral uplift of the orphans in the aid institutions and make them good citizens of the country. To maintain residential institution for children such as institutions for the care, protection and rehabilitation of orphans, physically handicapped children and destitute children to diffuse useful knowledge which would tend to improve the moral, social and ethical standards of the children to establish dispensaries and medical centers to provide medicines for poor sufferers and free medical camps in rural and urban areas and nutrition food to the weak children and poor women those are suffering by mall nutrition food in rural, urban and slum areas. To establish feeding centers and to provide food, clothes and medicines to the deserving poor in times of flood and other disasters to care and create awareness programs about the albino children.

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