CODWEL – Community Development & Welfare Society, Arikathota

Add.: Ramabadrpuram Mandalam, Vizia
Pin: 535582
Andhra Pradesh
Phone: 91-8964-250186
Mobile: 91-94405 40186
Contact Person: P.Yezra Mani Babu
Purpose : HIV/AIDS children, adults preventation and awareness mainstreaming.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : CODWEL organization mission statement The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) is a The Community Development and Welfare Society (CODWEL) initiative of which aims to improve understanding and cooperative relations among the district and 34 mandals peoples across cultures and religions, and to help counter the forces that fuel polarization and extremism. The CODWEL Organization at the initiative of the Governments of Alliance under the auspices of the AP state and District In March 30-03-1995, the former President of CODWEL Organization as High Representative for the Alliance from the 2years above. The CODWEL the supported prior Clinton foundation/ Vasavya Mahila Mandali is supported by a Group of Friends and children

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