Chethana Social Trust, Chittoor
Add : 1249, NGO Colony, Tirupati
Andhra Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94407 49050
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : K V Subramanyeswara Rao
Purpose : Education, Employment, Rural Development, Shelter Home, Social Awareness.
Aim/Objective/Mission : To support ngos, persons, organizations to run the homes of aged, destitute children, physically challenged and to maintain such home on its own. To support and encourage programmes for generation of employment opportunities for poor. To support school children by providing them free note books, stationery, uniform, free tuition etc. To conduct seminars, meetings, distribtions of pomphlets to enhance moral values, national spirit, social responsibilities among the public to help farmers, laborers and poor in rural areas to increase their earnings by providing training and information, technical and financial assistance.
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