Centre For Education and Economic Development (CEED), Guntur
Add : 5-56-25, Cobaldpet, 1st Lane, Guntur
Andhra Pradesh
Tel : 0863-2329678
Mobile : 80193 73734
Email : ceedap98@gmail.com
Website : www.ceed-India.org
Contact Person : Qamar Begum
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Advocacy On Social Issues, Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Community Development, Corporate Social Responsibility, Disability, Disadvantaged Communities, Disaster Management, Economics and Finance, Education, Environment, Grants/Aids, Health, Hiv/Aids, Human Rights, Industry, Legal Awareness, Livelihood, Micro-Enterprises, Orphanage, Physically Disabled, Poverty, Traditional Health, Trafficking Of Women, Training, Tribal Development, Water, Women’S Issues, Youth Organising Women and Youth Camps To Solve Their Own Problems Through Proper Planning Implementation and Monitoring Of The Programmes.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Education :- skill development is the only instrument to make toiling women, youth and other people who involved in various un-organized sectors empowered in terms of social, economical, health and livelihood aspects. For this reason ceed has been concentrating on imparting varied life skills which are having meaningful job potential and marketing viability. In this regard, ceed has been imparting training in computer education for the educated unemployed youth, people living with disabilities and women imbibing skills like fashion designing, handworks, dress making, dinner plate making, incense stick making etc which are having demand at local markets so far, ceed could impart comprehensive skill development training and income generation training programmes for more than 500 people in total education
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