FPA India, Jabalpur

Add.: 153, Wright Town
Pin: 482002
Madhya Pradesh
Phone: 91-761-2410542
Contact Person:
Purpose : Programme Implemention realated to SRH
Aims/Objectives/Mission : FPA India envisions health, particularly sexual and reproductive health for all, especially marginalized and young people, in the broad context of sustainable development leading towards the alleviation of poverty, stabilization of population, gender equality, and human rights. FPA India strengthens a voluntary and non-government commitment to promote sexual and reproductive health and rights including family planning. It supports the rights of individuals to reproductive choices, including legal and safe abortion; works towards reducing the spread and the impact of STIs /HIV/AIDS and increasing access to gender sensitive SRH information, education and services to all especially the young and marginalized and eliminating violence, discrimination, and abuse. Established in 1949, FPA India has been recognized as India’s leading and largest reproductive and sexual health organisation. FPA India works closely with NGOs and the Government.

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