Add: 19-4-647/2, 109, Yallaling Colony
Pin: 585401
Contact Person: N.L. Karkare
Aim/Objective/Mission: DRISTI seeks to participate in buiding a human and egalitarian community where vulnerable people attain food sovereignty, live better life with social justice and human dignity, free from all froms of discrimination on the lines of caste, poverty and gender. To capacitate and revitalizethe dalits, tribals, OBCS, and the poorest of the poor lto exercise their human and democratic rights in regard to development with justice and peace; equip to plan, manage, and countro livelihood resources and activities for sustainable agriculture; overcome poverty and hunger empowering them for self help, mutual trust and cooperation towards attaining food sovereignty. DRISTI believes in the process oriented, multi-sect oral initiatives, integrating rights based, social wquity and gender balance approach for effective programming and its impact.
Tel: 91-8482-232378
Email: dristi@sancharnet.in
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