Kashmir Humanity Foundation, Baramulla
Add: Gantamulla Colony, Baramulla
Pin: 193101
Jammu & Kashmir
Contact Person: Sirajuddin Salam
Purpose: Education, health, NRM, water, women empowerment, child development, rural development, disability.
Aim/Objective/Mission: To raise the level of literacy by spreading basic & IT education at District / Block/ Halqa level with more emphasizes on border Districts. To provide IT solutions, Internet & E-Com services, software & hardware development inputs to the state of J & K. To spread distance learning mode of education by setting up part time study centers of various levels. To rehabilitate People affected due to militancy, Act of terrorism, natural disaster and to co-operate center /state for the said purpose.To work to wards awareness and radiation of social evils especially aids, dowry exploitation, and drug addictions.
Website: http://www.khflive.org
Mobile: 91-94195 55667
Email: support@khflive.org
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