Tathagata Trust, Lakhimpur

Add: Siddhartha Kendra Vidyalaya, Charaimoria, Moidomia
North Lakhimpur
Pin: 787001
Contact Person: Dr. Chandan Siam
Purpose: Social, cultural, educational, religious and economic.
Aim/Objective/Mission: To promote and propagate the buddha?s message of loving- kindness, compassion, sympathetic joy and equanimity for world peace and harmonious co-existence of the multitudinous human family. To establish, maintain and run schools, colleges, universities, training centres, meditation centre, hostels and homes for preachers, students and staff. To emulate the spread of buddha?s teaching through education and meditation practice. To train all interested persons to carry on dharma missionary programme. To educate and ameliorate the children of the under-privileged class irrespective of caste, creeds,religion and nationality. To invigorate a co-operative inter-religious and inter-cultural exchanges between the buddhists and non-buddhists. To create awareness among the uneducated rural multitude about the need for ecological conservation, population control and human responsibilities for a better global order. To bring out about social, economic and moral upliftment of the aboriginal and the backward classes.
Website: http://www.tgtrust.com

Mobile: 91-98548 09615
Email: [email protected]

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