Unnayan Mancha Assam, Moirabari

Add : Moirabari
Tel : 03678-255012
Mobile : 94017 85786
Email : [email protected]
Website : www.umAssam.org
Contact Person : Arif Uz Jaman
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Art And Culture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Health.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The people of greater moirabari including educationists, social workers, teachers, elderly persons and active youths organised the ngo under the caption Unnayan Mancha, Assam. Our aims and objectives our aims, objectives and view include the following activities along with many other things serve the poor and needy people of the society in different aspects in all possible ways. Help the victims of natural calamities such as flood, earthquake, cyclone etc. By providing them with medical aid, food and other essential things. Motivate the people of poor class towards child education and make best efforts to check child labour which is still prevalent in the society though banned by our government. Provide health guidance to the poor people by holding medical camps from time to time. Protest against terrorist activities, make them quit violence and come back to the main stream of human society rather than killing innocent people. Garbage management and other measures to check the pollution of environment and create a healthy atmosphere for all to live in peace. Some of our activities done some activities like health camp, plantation, distribution of different goods among victims of flood etc. Have been already performed by our ngo keeping all these aims in view, we want to serve the society. So we invite all well-wishers of mankind to join us, support us and extend helping hand so as to make our mission a great success.

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