Gyan-Jyoti Educational & Charitable Society, Gurgaon
Add: C 1 Surya Vihar, Sec. 4
Pin: 122001
Contact Person: Prashant Ratan Singh
Purpose: Education & charity
Aim/Objective/Mission: To carry out Community development Programs in Urban & rural Area. To establish, construct anddevelop educational community centers and institutions for the achievements and furtherance of the society. To construct, maintain, alter, improve and develop and building or works necessary or convenient for the purpose of society. To fight against socialabuses like dowry ilega trafficking, child marriage, child labour. To fight eradication of poverty.To promote conventional medical like ayurveda, acupressure, Urine-therapy yoga, siddha, homeopathy etc. To promote non- conventional energy projects ike solar energy, wind and hydro power etc. To save resources specialy ground water and rain water and promote check dams/harvesting structures. To create awareness towards animal cruelty and for vegetarian concepts. To create awareness on the lethal effects of smoking. To promote new technology, both in rural and urvan area specially in the field of computer and information technology.
Tel: 91-124-4040979
Mobile: 91-98998 29443, 91-99689 52517