Add.: 4/393, K.R.Puram
Pin: 601301
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-44-27174536
Contact Person: Mu. Suresh
Purpose : AIDS awareness, sports, eniverlment, education.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Indian Youth Development Center is a non-governmental organisation started with an objective of developing poor & needy people. Organising and education followed by common action program for the social and economical empowerment. Our organisation presently activities aids awareness, old age people, women, children house, education to poor children, sports, eniverlment, andless, unorganised labours and disabled people. I am always thinking about how to fund rise to our NGO on seeing in the internet regarding funding agencies and donor agencies addresses traced and start contact with them. Please support our center. To construction for working libarary, home for the aged, orphanages, day care centres to help the poor. To carryout aids awareness programme and to obtain grant from government and other agencies for the above programme. To do rehabilitation programme for the drug addicts and alcoholics.
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