Add.: Brahmagiri, Puri
Pin: 752011
Phone: 91-6752-235555
Mobile: 91-90401 08037
Contact Person: Niharika Pradhan
Purpose : Rural development.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : To promote free health check up camp, free medicine distribution, various awareness camp of health and establish hospital, poly clinic, diagnostic center for the benefit of the rural people. To identify specific cerebral, cardiac, renal, respiratory, eye and other major health anomaly of the rural people and communicate with district or state level of consultancy for provide better treatment. To identify cancer, aids, tuberculosis, leprosy, std and other communicable or non – communicable major disease and provide better treatment by the help of higher competent authority. To promote the prevention of child labour, child marriage and juvenile injustice. To promote the prevention of dowry, sexual exploitation, mtp, prenatal diagnosis of unborn baby, indecent representation of women. To promote the prevention of misleading of drugs and magic remedies, misuses of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, drug addiction etc.
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