Add.: HIG 143, Kananvihar, Phase 1, Patia
Pin: 751031
Phone: 91-674-2741112
Mobile: 91-94370 24198
Contact Person: Rashmi Mohanty
Purpose : Livelihood, women empowerment, health & family welfare, disaster risk reduction.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : A strong, vibrant, cohesive, and progressive society founded on egalitarian and democratic principles, ecologically sound management techniques, mutual cooperation; where every individual reaches her/his full potential and informed choice is a matter of right. Enabling the marginalized to aim for and achieve a life of quality. Integrated and holistic development of rural communities through capacity building and institutional arrangements. Activating individual/ community initiative for promotion of livelihood options. Creating an awareness of the environment and nurturing natural resources in a just and equitable manner. Tribals and other marginalized section of people dependant on fragile ecology for livelihood. Landless, marginal and small farmers. Women, other socially and economically backward people.
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