Add.: 2nd Pulia, Near Azeem Estate
Pin: 202002
Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 91-571-2709634
Contact Person: Manawar Ahmad
Purpose : To conduct philanthropic activities for differently able, deprived, needy and vulnerable groups.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Mainstreaming of persons with disability. Identifying community needs and to promote community participation. To develop smart (specific, measurable, appropriate, realistic, timely) objectives for different services. To provide all help to the needy and deprived community with the available resources. Identify resources from different sectors and donor agencies and plan to build coalitions. Rehabilitation of differently able, old age and chronic diseased people {aids,leprosy,mentally ill,etc} empowerment of women. Technical and educational support to enable local group,creating self help group and influence other agencies to provide better services for needy.
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