Add.: A 17, Near N.C.C. Office, Lajpat Nagar
Pin: 244001
Uttar Pradesh
Mobile: 91-98377 70777
Email: virendrakumar.pathak
Contact Person: Virendra Kumar Pathak
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Vocational training & income gerenrating programmes. Vocational training to poor rural and urban youth, women and physically handicapped were provided in tailoring & cutting, music, computer book binding & typing. This year 56 women, 29 young boys and 19 physically Handicapped were given training in above mentioned jobs to make them self supporting/ self dependent. Training in modern agriculture me thuds and Horticulture development was also given to 38 farmers in vill: Tigri. Family welfare planning. Puls polio camps & other care activities. Door to door level camping on the subject was organized in rural area of Moradabad motivate to eligible couples to adopt family planning measures as a habit.
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