Profiles of Indian NGOs & National – Ineternational Funding Agencies – Government Grants

SHEPHERD, Hyderabad

Add : Mig-II, Block-33, Flat-14, Aphb, Baghlingampally
Tel : 040-27655678
Mobile : 99857 78397
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Contact Person : David Dayanand Kadamandla
Purpose : Advocacy On Social Issues, Education, Employment, Food and Nutrition, Orphanage, Waste Management, Water, Women’S Issues, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Termination or cessation of membership: the govening body of the society shall have the powers to expel /terminate a member or /and members, from the members, from the membership of the above society, on the following grounds. On death on written resignation if found to be involved in any anti – social activities if adjudged by any court of law to be a criminal offender. If found guilt by means of anti propaganda of aims and objectives of the society if fails to pay the subscription or contribution for three months if has not attend three consecutive meetings if disregards rules and regulations or disobeys the decissions of the governing body. The decisions of the governing body regarding the termination from the membership of the society, shall be communicated to the member concerned. General body annual general body will meet once in ayear i. e in the month of may functions: to pass the buget for the ensuring year and approve the expenditure sstatement of previous year. To approve the reports of the activities of the society. To ellect the excutive committtee to appoint auditor excutive committee: shall consist of seven members and out of them, the following office beareres shall be elected by the e. c viz president, vice president, general secretary, joint secretary and tresurer and the remaing persons all the excutive committee members. The members of the excutive committee governing body shall b e dully bound to atleast the sig natures of all th members of newly elected excutive committee and to see that the signatures of the out going governing body tally with the annual list as tied with the registrar of societies before 15 days the succeding month in which elections were held. Functions of the excutive committee and office bearers President: he presides the over all the meetings of the general body and excuutive committee. He can cast his vote in the case of tie in decision making. He can supervise all the branches of the society. Vice-president: he shall assist the president in discharge his functions. In the abusence of the president he will perform the duly of the president as entrusted by the president. Secretary. He is the chief excutive officer of the society and custodian of all records retailing to the society. Would convence both the excutive committee and general body of the society with the permission of the president. He guides the treasurer in preparing the budget and expenditure statement to place before the general body for its approval. Joint secretary: he has to do the work entrusted by the excuitve. He has to assist the secretary in discharging his duties. In the absence of the secretary he can perform the duties of the secretary. Treasurer he is responsible for all finanical transaction and funds of the society. He has maintain accounts properly along with the vochure. He has to prepare the accounts of the society jointly with the secretary or president. Office berarers they are responsible to attend to such activities of the society which the excutive committee entruts to them. Quorum hall of the total members for general body meeting an ? for excutive committee meeting. Funds the funds shall be spent only for the attachment of the society and no portion there of shall be paid to transferred directly or indirectly to any of the members through any means. Ammendmets no amendment or alteration shall be made in the purpose and conformed by 2/3 of the members present and at a se cond special meeting. Towinding up in case the society has to be wound up the property and funds of the society that remain after discharging the liabilities, if any shall be transferred or paid to some other institutes with similar aims and objects which is registered under section 12a of income tax act, 1961. The accounts of the society shall be maintained or caused to be maintained by excutive commtee members of the society for recording all the in-flows and out flows of the society. Annual accountant before presenting the same before the general body for their adoption or approval. None of the office bearers of the society shall be allowed to use the funds or the assets of the society or allowed to derive any benefit either directly or indirectly from the society as stipulated u/s 13(c) of i. t. act. U/s 80g and 12 a and 35 ac under it exemptions.

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