Add.: 1163, TNHB Enclave, Avadi
Pin: 600054
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-44-26550434
Contact Person: Sathish Samuel
Purpose : Agriculture, child development.
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Taprish is a non-profit organization working and interacting directly in uplifting the lesser-privileged enabling in providing source towards employment by inducing training and entrepreneurial activities ultimately helping them to be independently trained with skills to survive. Our primary focus is in encouraging the farming community with ways to conserve water and teach them innovative methods in improving Agro-Horticulture and Agro-forestry and in training them with new and productive methodologies. We ensure reducing in migration for jobs in cities and provide opportunities to work and earn their living. The above activities are identified and taken care of by undertaking studies and surveys by our qualified staff and also using Government statistics.
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