Profiles of Indian NGOs & National – Ineternational Funding Agencies – Government Grants

Society For Community Organization And Rural Education (SCORE), Karur

Add : Vedhachalapuram, Thogaimalai
Tamil Nadu
Tel : 04323-252482
Mobile : 94435 33617
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Aa.Balasundharan, Secretary
Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Agriculture, Awareness Generation, Child Labour, Child Rights, Child Welfare, Climate Change, Community Development, Consumer Issues, Development (General), Disability, Disadvantaged Communities, Education, Employment, Environment, Food And Nutrition, Forest Management, Gender.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The vision of score is to be a people centered grass root level developmental organization effectively addressing the developmental issues of the rural and tribal poor and socially under privileged people at micro and macro levels coordination with like minded ngos and people?s organizations. Mission: the mission of score is to promote community based sustainable development effectively through its community based groups in collaboration with government and like ? minded local and international ngos. Score is basically an education and development promoting organization. It inspires, promotes, facilitates and co-ordinates the efforts of the people and groups towards achieving the common goal. Aim: score aims to promote physical, social, mental and spiritual well- being of the individual and the community based on values of justice, love, equality and peace. Score hopes that this will lead to the establishment of a just social order. Objectives of the organization: the long-term objective: empower and promote the poor rural and tribal communities to become self ? dependent in all spheres of life. The short -term objectives: work with women groups for their development, empowerment and rights in socio ? economic, educational and health life, work with youth and children?s group for personality and leadership and educational development, work with small and marginal farmers for promotion of sustainable agriculture, work with tribal communities for their rights and development, work with differently ? able people for their welfare and development and rights. Work for the community based control and prevention of hiv aids and work with the people affected with hiv aids involve in health development including reducing stigma discrimination, priority to care and support to plhas, clhas ? both infected and affected families. Develop the community with participation of community for their collective development. Present activities: formation and strengthening of women, youth and men self help groups and federating the formed groups at the block level. Taking up campaign works on child rights and women rights. Working for the prevention of dropouts from the school and main streaming to the formal education. Providing community based care and support for the people ing with hiv aids. Organizing the farmers into groups at the community level, train them in organic farming and follow ? up them for sustainable agriculture. Taking up of need based welfare and developmental activities for the tribal communities.

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