Add.: 1/9, Vinayagar Kovil St, Bharathiyar Nagar, Pattabiram
Pin: 600072
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-44-26852438
Mobile: 91-93803 60168
Contact Person: Baskar
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Our experience had the foundation at all levels. We have undertaken various programmes/projects for various clients.We would like to share our experience current were execution & delivery on Research project at all departments of study. To initiate the objective of the research to implement in field and deliver back to research. The research studies cover household products like product testing, product promotion, product reach, product success and rural development, project like Monitoring of the total sanitation compaign and Swajaldhara scheme, case studies and success stories on reverse brain (RBG), impact evaluation of the organic farming and its contributions in enhancing productivity in agriculture and allied areas, monitoring and evalution of SGSY, IAY, SGRY, Nirmal Gram Puskar And Arwsp (TWAD). We have done many quantitative and quantitative projects, especially central location test, group discussions, random survey. We have handled handful of projects at a time in various centers and completed authentically and on time successfully.
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