Add.: 9-Rutland Gate, 5th Street
Pin: 600006
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-44-28279311, 91-44-28278606
Contact Person: Father Kurian Thomas
Purpose : Education, Health, Rural Development
Aims/Objectives/Mission : Asha Nivas is a voluntary Organisation initiated in July 1976 by Dr Kurian Thomas out of a deep concern for the marginalised and exploited women and children in difficult residing in Madras City slums. To assist people to initiate, organise, establish and implement developmental programmes, and to create an awareness in them to improve their socio-economic status. To co-operate with governmental and non-governmental agencies to enable the community to carry out developmental programmes. To motivate and encourage educational and community health practices and to impart health education to the marginalised sections of the community. To educate and organise local groups of all communities especially the youth to promote co-operation and collaboration to solve their own socio-economic problems. To provide vocational training and employment oriented programmes to make them self reliant and self-supporting. To organise women into Madhar Sangams, to impart training and placement services to the domestic workers. Formation of saving and credit societies and promotion of co-operative efforts in the community. Impart education to pre school children, continuing education for the school dropouts, non-formal education for the street and working children.
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