Add.: 7-46 B, Mondaikad
Pin: 629252
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 91-4651-222356, 91-4651-223382
Mobile: 91-94446 91456
Contact Person: Lion. Jc. R. Arul Kannan
Purpose :
Aims/Objectives/Mission : AMK is a voluntary secular social service organization started functioning from the year 1970. It was formed to realize the dream of providing a social security and creating access to basic needs to the disadvantaged population. The seed was sown by Pulavar (Poet) T. Retnaswamy, now a retired teacher, who named the organization after his mentor Pulavar Athencottasan. Health for all was the motto behind the formation. It has grown as a multi service NGO during the 35 years of dedicated service and now is addressing a variety of issues confronting the poor and the marginalized people. To ensure easy access to quality health care and other essential needs of life to people from poor communities by enabling the communities to realize their needs and seek their needs and social justice for themselves. AMKs mission is to conduct health care service programmes, carrying out capacity building training and motivating activities, implementing programmes which would empower the poor communities socially and economically and integrating them with facilities which would enable them to meet the needs for themselves.
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