Add : 19, Murugavel Nagar, 2 Cross Street, KK Nagar
Tamil Nadu
Tel : 0431-2351660
Mobile : 94439 10780
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Dr. R. Shankar
Purpose : Rural Development The Trust Has Been Promoted With The Objective Of Bringing Highly Motivated And Educated Young Women And Men To The Development Sector. They Would Work On Bringing Out New Innovations In Rural Development And For Upscaling Development Interventions To Eradicate Poverty In Vast Areas Of The Country.The Foundation Works Towards Bringing Significant Changes In The Livelihoods Of The Poor Through Innovations In Themes And Institutions.
Aim/Objective/Mission : The trust works towards bringing significant changes in the livelihoods of most challenging marginal and vulnerable community group in various pockets of Trichirappalli, Thanjavur, Pudukkottai, Thiruvarur and Nagappattinam Districts of Tamil Nadu state, India.
Add : Abarna Complex, Edumalai Road
Tamil Nadu
Tel :
Mobile : 98423 42494
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : S. Padma
Purpose : Social Work
Aim/Objective/Mission : To take efforts for gender equality and instill in women the qualities of self-respect and self-esteem; to promote thrift, savings, and credit among the members as an instrument of social and economic development, including the formation, monitoring and training of self-help groups to train and equip women with trade and production skills, including micro-enterprises, organic farming, other rural and urban-based micro-enterprises, and other income-generating activities to enhance the leadership and communication capabilities of women to access various welfare and development schemes of the government for the benefit of women to provide training to women in legal education and access free legal aid, to involve women and people in villages in the preservation and protection of environment and ecology of the region, to educate women on child health, reproductive rights and hiv/aids to collaborate with other organizations and institutions, both inland and abroad, for achieving the general welfare of all especially socially, economically and educationally downtrodden people programmes: promoting and strengthening women self help groups and farmers groups in the rural areas, organising trainings, skill trainings, workshops and conference for women, farmers and children, running evening tuition centers for the poor school going children, organising environmental awareness campaign and tree plantation program working with small and marginal farmers for promotion of organic farming, helping the young girls for their employment & helping the children for education, promoting awareness on water and sanitation in the rural area.