Add : Kushmaha, Laxmigung, Ramkola, Padrauna, Kushinager
Uttar Pradesh
Tel :
Mobile : 94153 20555
Email :
Website :
Contact Person : Yashpal Singh
Purpose : Social Work.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Adolescent girls welfare-to provide girls every help, agriculture-to aware about bio farming, animal welfare-to aware people about animals, child labour-to aware children about education, community development-to develope brotherhood among all religion. Cow protection centre(goushala)-aware people about protection. Cultural heritage-to aware about national festival. Development-to aware about small industries. Education-to educate all people. Employment-skill development and self dependent, food and nutrition-to aware women and children about fruit and vegitables, health-sanstha time to time organized free health camp, medical relief-sanstha time to time distribute free medicine, plantation-sanstha plantation on rode side in village, pollution-sanstha aware about less use of plastic, population-santha to aware new married couple about child planning. Training-sanstha to aware about skill development, water-sanstha to aware about clean water and store, women development/welfare-santha develop skill of womens, womens issues-sanstha aware women issues time to time through seminar, yoga-sanstha organised yoga camp time to time, youth-sanstha provided placement to youth.