Add : 34/22, Opp. Meenakshi Garden
Andhra Pradesh
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Mobile : 99085 46227
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Purpose : Adolescent Girls Welfare, Agriculture, Animal Welfare, Development (General), Indigenous Knowledge, Livelihood, Local Self Governance (Panchayati Raj), Old Aged Welfare, Pollution, Tribal Issues, Women Development/Welfare, Women’S Issues, Yoga, Youth.
Aim/Objective/Mission : Objectives of the society to work for the development of health & hygiene, and to initiate provision of medical facilities to work for the conservation of environment, nature and ecological balancing and protection of forest resources to initiate agriculture development ? organic farming/eco-farmer friendly farming to develop working linkages between line departments/ongoing schemes/programmes of govt. And other departments/agencies to promote universal elementary education in rural areas and to work towards the elimination of child labour and other child abuses/instances to enhance rural livelihoods through income generation programmes like cottage industries/small scale industries. To up-grade or develop the entrepreneurial and life skills of the rural poor, youths, women etc and livelihood intiaitives to all. To take up natural resource management activities in rural areas like watersheds, land development, drinking water, protective works for soil erosion/land degradation/ponds/wells etc. To work towards rural renewable energy management in rural areas/villages to work for the protection and judicial use of forests, forest resources and conservation of bio-diversity to take up and work for the rural sanitation measures and sewage systems/mechanisms to provide relief and rehabilitation towards the victims/areas of natural calamities/disasters etc. To work for the integrated tribal development of rural areas/villages/hamlets to work with pris and work for the development of er especially wers to work for the development of women/adolescent girls and children and thier nutritional aspects to work for the rights of children, women, dalits, tribals, consumers, workers/artisans etc in rural areas and to initiate for their integrated development to work and conserve rural indegenious ideas, resources, knowledge, culture and other cultural and heritageous activities to bring the rural artisans and craftsmen & women into participation and common platform and to work for their integrated development to establish orphanages, rehabilitation homes/centers for the destitutes, orphans, old age people, mentally retardiated, physically handicapped, victims of contagious diseases or epidemics to take up activities for the relief and rehabilitation of the victims of natural calamities and disasters to work and endorse national integration among the rural people with condign cultural and other activities promoting constitutional and democratic spirit to organize cultural and indegenious rural arts and folk items so to conserve them for future generation and to uphold social integration and participation among the rural villages, communities. To organize cultural and indigenous rural arts and folk items so to conserve them for future generation and to uphold social integration and participation among the rural villages, communities. To encourage community health, nutrition, and development through comprehensive health programme to take care of maternity and child health, to run medical clinics and to extend possible free medical services to children, poor and needy in rural and other areas. To produce, publish and distribute literature with a view to bring social, moral and consumer awareness in all sections of the people. To establish educational institutions/centers and recreational education centers and to sponsor or lift economically poor, intelligent students to study higher education in good institutions in Indiaand abroad. To organize and bring to groups the farmers both men and women also promoting cooperatives and to arrange loans for agro investments through banks, providing irrigational facilities and to act as catalyst between govt. And nationalized banks and people. To take up activities for information dissemination like survey, research, documentation, publication, media, books, magazines and cultural activities. To work for the betterment and welfare of rural labourers both male and female including enforcement of statutory wages and their legal rights. To provide and to take up adult education programmes, education of residential bridge course and non-residential bridge course and free education for orphans and vocational trainings etc. Set-up dairy and take up awareness programmes, artificial insemination and veterinary services on custom basis, fodder development, supply of improved variety milch animals/breeds etc. To take up training activities with emphasis on deprived sections, artisans, craftsmen and unemployed youths upgrading their skills providing occupational spaces thus to employment and economic growth and participation. To promote national goals like secularism, national integration etc. Creating awareness and to promote communal harmony in rural areas. To provide consultancy services to agencies/entrepreneurs/cooperatives etc with educational, vocational, social, cultural and welfare activities and have plans to promote the same in rural areas aiming the development of the people and areas. To establish technical and educational institutions, welfare centers, schools, colleges, hostels, libraries, reading rooms, gymnasuims etc. For the overall development of the rural children, youths and to make them as good citizens of Indiaand an educational phalanx. To borrow funds from central/state financial institutions, corporate bodies, foreign agencies and companies for the achievement of the objectives for the rural development. To take up activities and trainings for undertaking extension services, assist transfer of new technologies, organize camps, manage and supply inputs and extend necessary financial assistance for development of agriculture and allied activities, wastelands, watersheds etc. To take up constructive activities aimed at relieving the population generally and the rural population in particular from their existing poverty, economic depression and for the progress of cultural, moral, social, educational, environmental standards of living. To establish, maintain or grant aid for the establishment of wells, tube wells, tanks, water reservoirs, agro-forestry and trees and repairs roads, bridges etc. For the benefits of public.