Add.: B-1/1238, Vasant Kunj
New Delhi
Pin: 110070
Phone:? 91-11-26896299
Contact Person:? R. M. Verma
Purpose 😕 Child welfare
Aims/Objectives/Mission 😕 PRAYAS’s main objectives are to protect neglected juveniles, providing them with protective care comprising of health, nutrition, education, vocational training and counselling. To uphold their basic rights and provide justice to them. The organisation has attempted to keep the entire gamut of activities ‘child-centred’. It is convinced that the child cannot be isolated from his milieu, but he may be prepared to grow with or grow out of it. In fact, in all developmental activities which necessarily involves the child’s family, particularly the mother, the child is perceived to be an agent of change, the spark that will ignite the light of awareness and development.
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