Add.: Core 6-A, 4th Floor, Indian Habitat Centre
New Delhi
Pin: 110003
Phone:? 91-11-24627447, 91-11-24620180
Contact Person:? Isher Judge Ahluwalia
Purpose 😕 Economics and Finance, Industry, Intellectual property, Trade
Aims/Objectives/Mission 😕 ICRIER is an autonomous non-profit research organisation engaged in policy-oriented research on issues which are central to India’s international position and its economic exposure to the rest of the world. As the process of integration with the world economy through trade, technology and capital flows has gained momentum, ICRIER’s agenda has acquired greater significance in the changing domestic and international scenario today. Besides research, an active public policy programme is directed towards dissemination of our research findings with a view to enhancing the awareness and understanding of the issues involved among all concerned, including industry, policy makers and opinion makers.
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